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March in JPEGs

A large inspiration for this blog post was the Talking Barnacles blog by Patrick Tsai. It’s a blog he started in 2011 as a way to document the aftermath of the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan. Initially, it was just meant to be a diary of the initial aftermath of the incident, focusing on that first week. However, he maintained it for just a little over a year. He documents his daily life with extreme candidness, showing intimate photos, and sharing personal stories about his personal feelings.

This candidness did lead to some conflict with some of the people in his life, as he didn’t shy away from sharing personal details about them, or his feelings towards them. I chose to go through the entire blog including the comments, and was just fascinated by how open he was about everything. I could never do something like that, and I don’t intend to, that’s not what this blog is. But the photo stories that he would present really stuck with me. His snap-shoot style creates images with a lot of authenticity to them, he doesn’t overthink anything, and isn’t afraid to take multiple photos of one scene as it evolves over time.

I take a lot of photos, but few are good enough for me to share on social media, but I also don’t think they’re worthless either. I want to use this space to share some of those images, and a simple way I thought I could do that would be to just do a simple photo dump at the end of each month, showcasing some of the images I’ve taken during my day to day activities. These are mostly JPEG files straight out of camera with no editing, I don’t want to pressure myself too much, because if I do, I know that I’ll eventually stop keeping up with it. Anyways, future entries might not have a long-winded introduction like this one, but I just wanted to explain the purpose of these posts.

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