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Introductory Post

Welcome to Leftovers, my new blog and hopefully the main place I will share my thoughts and opinions on my various different interests moving forward. I’ve decided to create this for a few reasons.

One, I really miss writing. My time in college radio really fostered my love for writing. In my last year I was writing a piece almost every week, and it became a really good avenue for me to organize my thoughts and really solidify my opinions. It’s been a few years since then, so inevitably my writing feels a bit rusty now, but that’s what this space is for.

Secondly, I wanted a better way to share photography work. Social media can be limiting, and although they can obviously be good ways to get your work seen, neither is great for presenting larger bodies of work. In addition, I no longer want to rely on platforms run by large corporations that constantly make changes, sometimes, seemingly increasingly, to the detriment of the users. If these platforms ever go down, much of the data on them will be lost forever.

Outside of photography, you can expect a wide assortment of topics like movies, anime, manga, TV shows, and of course, music. Anything that has left a lasting impression on me. Rather than focusing on first impressions, I want to write about what is still left over from the experience after time has passed.

Additionally, I’ve actually kind of sort of been having fun programming for the first time in a long time, and although this is very low effort on the coding end, it’s still fun to learn new tools and skills. I’ve always wanted to create my own website without using something like WordPress or Squarespace, I’m a software developer, I should do it myself! Luckily now there’s frameworks like Hugo that make it super easy, I think it’s an alternative worth considering if you’re willing to learn a little coding.

Finally, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that reading other people’s Substacks, email newsletters, and blogs has definitely been a big motivator and inspiration. Getting glimpses into other peoples' lives and experiences has reminded me of what makes writing so rewarding. I think as of late I’ve become more cautious about sharing my thoughts on the internet, and I want to try to lose a little bit of that fear (although I think caution is still important).

I hope you’ll find something of interest here, if not now, then maybe later. I’m not going to make any promises on how frequently I’ll post but I’ll be as consistent as I can, I have a lot of ideas swirling around. I’m really excited to work on this, and can’t wait to make this little space grow.

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